Dora by Phoenix, a brainchild of Kakali Biswas, was born in 2019 with an endeavour to bring the textiles of Bengal to women all over the world. Having established herself as a fashion and lifestyle influencer on Instagram, Kakali ventured into this business after quitting her successful corporate career of 20 years and named it after her late mother from whom she picked up her love for six yards. In 2020 she entered into a partnership with Priyama Chowdhury and together they slowly and organically grew their client base.

In 2023 Kakali dissolved the partnership and is now the sole proprietor of Dora with her daughter Medha handling the creative and strategic aspects of the business.

Today Kakali is leaving no stone unturned to reach out to as many artisans and weavers as possible and promote various weaves of India and at the same time trying to advocate the cause of sustainability through her brand Dora. From Bengal Cottons to ajrakhs to south cottons, block and screen prints, hand embroidery, Dora’s offering of a plethora of sarees is a classic embodiment of the free spirited woman who loves to combine the modern with comfort and conventionality.

Women Behind The Vision


Kakali Biswas


Medha Nandi

Dora Diva Diaries